Bl. Alexia Le Clerc
Blah. Matka Alexia Le Clerc
Narodila sa 2. februára 1576 v meste Remiremont v rodine zámožného obchodníka. Hoci nesmierne rada tancovala, cítila sa prázdna a smutná uprostred hlučných zábav. Keď spoznala Božie volanie, jej odpoveď bola radikálna. Odložila prepychové šaty a zložila sľub čistoty. Jej rozhodnosť znepokojila rodičov i susedov.
Alexia naliehala na svojho farára Petra Fouriera, aby jej umožnil založiť rehoľné spoločenstvo. Peter Fourier, aby preveril jej povolanie, poukázal na množstvo zdanlivo neprekonateľných prekážok, ale Alexiin zápal a viera, že Bohu je všetko možné, k nej pritiahli ďalšie spoločníčky, mladé dievčatá, ktoré sa tiež chceli stať rehoľníčkami. Duchovný otec diela však ešte nemal jasnú predstavu o cieli pôsobenia mladého spoločenstva. No počas noci, pred sviatkom sv. Šebastiána - 21.1., ktorú prebdel v modlitbách, bol obdarovaným svetlom. Hlavnou úlohou spoločenstva bude zriaďovanie bezplatných dievčenských škôl. Alexia Le Clerc a celá komunita hneď prijali úmysel ich farára ako od Boha zverenú úlohu.
V čase smrti Alexie, 9. januára 1622, mala rehoľa 13 domov.
Sv. Otec Pius XII. ju 4. mája 1947 vyhlásil za blahoslavenú.
Bl. Alix Le Clerc
(1576 – 1622)
Alix Le Clerc was born at Remiremont, France, on 2 February 1576, into a wealthy merchant family. As a young girl she loved music and dancing, but somehow felt that partying with her friends could not fulfil her heart and make her happy. When she embraced the call from God, she began to feel the need for a dramatic change in her life. She left her luxurious life and took a vow of chastity. This conversion experience made her parents and neighbours worried about her.
After the conversion, Le Clerc approached the parish priest Peter Fourier, who served in the town of Mattaincourt (where she lived with her parents from the age of 18), and revealed him her desire to start a new religious order. Fourier wanted to test her vocation, and thus showed her many difficulties and barriers she had to face in order to achieve her goal. But Le Clerk did not feel discouraged and her zeal and strong faith in God attracted other young women who wanted to join her. Fourier was not sure about the role of a new order, but at one night before St Sebastian’s Feast Day when he was in prayer, he was enlighten and learnt the mission of the order that would be establishing free schools for poor girls and educate them. Le Clerc and her community accepted this mission and resolved to commit their lives to this goal.
On 9 January 1622, on the day of Le Clerc’s death, the Congregation of Our Lady, the Canonesses of St. Augustine, had 13 houses.
Alix Le Clerc was beatified by Pope Pius XII on 4 May 1947.