• Maturita






          Ústna zložka internej časti pozostáva zo žiakovej ústnej odpovede pred predmetovou maturitnou komisiou, pričom si žiak žrebuje jedno z tridsiatich schválených maturitných zadaní.

          Každé zadanie sa skladá z troch úloh.

          Úloha č. 1 – Vizuálny podnet (obrázok, fotografia, komiks, graf, schéma a pod.) Žiak opíše predložené obrázky a nachádza súvislosti medzi obrázkami a danou maturitnou témou. Komisia hodnotí komplexnosť opisu, lineárnosť (postupnosť) vo vyjadrovaní, argumentáciu, plynulosť, gramatiku, slovnú zásobu.

          Úloha č. 2 - Tematický okruh. Úlohou žiaka je zaujať stanovisko k téme a odôvodniť ho v rozhovore so skúšajúcimi, ktorí vedú rozhovor podľa zásad uvedených v metodických pokynoch pre odborné skúšobné komisie. Komisia hodnotí vyjadrenie stanoviska, vecnú argumentáciu, výber faktov a informácií, gramatiku (rozsah a správnosť), slovnú zásobu (aj výslovnosť a intonácia), plynulosť výpovede.

          Úloha č. 3 – Situačná úloha, dialóg s rozdelenými úlohami. Žiak dostane opis konkrétnej situácie, v ktorej má zahrať určitú rolu, napr. je na stanici a má sa informovať o najvýhodnejšom vlakovom spojení do nejakého mesta. Skúšajúci preberie rolu partnera v rozhovore. Komisia hodnotí pohotovosť vyjadrovania, argumentáciu (obsahovú stránku), gramatiku, slovnú zásobu.

          Maturitné okruhy úroveň B2:

          1. FAMILY

          • curriculum vitae (personal data: name, place of residence, date and place of birth, marital status, important moments in life)
          • family members (appearance, character, hobbies)
          • family relationships (relationships among siblings, parents and children, grand-parents, helping each other, domestic chores, weekday schedules and family celebrations)
          • your ideas about your future family, partner, living/accommodation, employment
          • the family and society (functions of the family, the family in the past and at present, the generation gap, problems of single-parent families, divorce, low birth–rate)

          2. CULTURE AND ART

          • cultural options in the city and in the country (museums, exhibitions, theatres, cinemas, concerts, the circus, dance)
          • popular forms of culture and art (genres, famous personalities)
          • attending cultural events
          • music, film, theatre and folk festivals, atmosphere
          • other forms of art – folk music, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture – well-known artists/performers

          3. SPORTS

          • kinds of sports (team, individual, summer, winter, popular, amateur, professional)
          • the sports I like/ I am interested in (actively, passively, why?)
          • why sport is important for the development of a person’s character (physical and mental health)
          • important sports events, competitions, the Olympic Games
          • negative aspects of sport (fame, money/greed, doping)

          4. HOUSING

          • my home (description of the area where I live, furnishings/appliances)
          • living in the city and in the country (pros and cons)
          • ideal housing (own ideas about living)
          • home and its importance in the life of a person (how people live in Slovakia and in other countries)
          • young families and their housing problems ( purchasing/renting a house, children in housing estates)


          • shopping facilities (shops, hypermarkets, markets)
          • services (post office, bank, police station, petrol station)
          • sales promotion and its influence on customers
          • ways of shopping and payment (catalogue selling, to buy something on an instalment plan, weekly shopping, e-commerce
          • imported products, export of Slovak goods

          6. HEALTH CARE

          • human body
          • common diseases and diseases caused by current lifestyles, injuries, mental and physical conditions, seeing a doctor, at the chemist’s/pharmacy
          • healthy lifestyles, physical and mental hygiene
          • health care (prevention, vaccination)
          • national/public and private health care, health insurance, specialists

          7. TRAVEL

          • preparation for the journey, resons, destinations, the importance of travelling (work, holiday, business trip)
          • means of transport (advantages and disadvantages of various means of transport)
          • travelling individually and in a group (ways and kinds of transport, kinds of accommodation, board/catering)
          • travelling in the past, at present and in the future
          • possibilities of travelling abroad

          8. SCHOOL AND STUDY

          • educational systems (kinds of educational institutions, examinations, organization of the school year, marking/grading, holidays/days off)
          • lessons (timetable/schedule, subjects, recess, breaks, school food, what lessons look like)
          • student life (free time, hobbies, after-school activities/extracurricular activities, part-time/seasonal jobs, friends, pocket money)
          • learning a foreign language/exchange stays abroad, educational stays, language courses, au-pair)
          • student/teacher relationships

          9. JOB

          • kinds of labour (white collar and blue collar), job choice, motivation
          • labour market (offer of employment, unemployment, job application, curriculum vitae (CV), job interview
          • working hours, free/leisure time (improvements in the workplace, new technologies)
          • employment opportunities in Slovakia and abroad, working conditions (pay, wage, salary, social security)
          • career and family life, employment of women (maternity leave), requalification, retired people

          10. HUMAN RELATIONS

          • interpersonal relationships (family, school, neighbours, generations)
          • friendship and love (value systems, attitudes, gatherings, celebrations)
          • social issues (how communities and individuals relate to the disabled, the addicted and homeless)
          • negative phenomena (aggression, vandalism, egoism, indifference)
          • methods of solving conflicts


          • seasons, weather
          • the wildlife around us – fauna (animals in the wild, at the ZOO, at home) and flora
          • the state of the environment (soil, water and air pollution, natural disasters)
          • environmental protection (national parks, protected regions, environmental education)
          • the influence of the environment on human life (agriculture, healthy nutrition, agrotourism, organic crops)


          • life in the past and today (achievements in science and technology, and changes in the standard of living, household appliances)
          • extraordinary discoveries in science and technology
          • science and technology helping humankind (electronics, information technology / computer science, nuclear physics…)
          • misuse/abuse of science and technology (weapons of mass destruction/arms, substance abuse, violence, consumer society, new diseases)
          • mankind and science and technology in the future (replacement of the teacher by the computer, children and computers, brain drain)

          13. MAN AND SOCIETY

          • morality (behaviour of the younger, middle and older generations, ethics in family and at school)
          • social etiquette – get-togethers/gatherings, greetings and congratulations, etiquette of visits, reasons and time, subject of conversation, hospitality
          • norms and how they are broken (morality and law, misunderstandings and conflicts)
          • expression of concern and help to people in need, sponsorship and sponsors (reasons and forms)
          • the influence of society on family


          • kinds of communication and the importance of communication (verbal and non-verbal)
          • communication in varius situations (in public and in private lives, among the young, young and older, in the street, at school, at home, in everyday life, in unique situations)
          • modern forms of communication (mobile phone, computer, e-mail, the Internet)
          • language as means of communication (teaching/learning of languages, in which spheres of life they can be used, how foreign languages are spread and used)
          • language: standard, colloquial, slang, professional

          15. MASS MEDIA

          • kinds of mass media (their use, advantages, disadvantages)
          • the press (newspapers, magazines, articles), how to choose them, where to buy them – favourite columns
          • radio, TV (favourite kinds of programmes, ratings)
          • the influence of mass media on life of an individual, family and society
          • the Internet and its influence on a person and society


          • characteristics of young people (appearance, fashion, character traits, interests
          • the position of young people in society (rights and duties, possibilities of study, work, young families)
          • relationships among peers and generational relationships (conflicts – reasons, their expression, consequences
          • unhealthy lifestyles of young people (aggression, gambling, substance abuse)
          • young people’s vision of the future (expectations, dreams, fears)

          17. FOOD

          • daily food and drink (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper), favourite dish/food
          • places where people eat (at school, at home, in a restaurant)
          • national cuisine – customs, specialities (ingredients, meals, table setting)
          • international cuisine (characteristics, differences, specialities)
          • healthy diet (children’s eating habits, vegetarianism, dieting)


          • how people spend their free time
          • formally organised free time (extra-curricular activities, clubs, seasonal jobs/part-time job
          • hobbies (arts, culture, music, books, sport, do-it-yourself, outdoor activities)
          • the influence which changes in society have on how we spend our free time
          • free-time activities according to age


          • holidays, customs and traditions (religious and public holidays, national traditions and various events)
          • the coexistence of various ethnic groups in one country
          • bringing cultures together (contacts in the past and at present), personal contact with other cultures, tolerance
          • negative phenomena (racial discrimination, intolerance, relations with minorities)
          • cultural values of other nationalities, coexistence in Europe

          20. TOWNS AND PLACES

          • important places in my life (birthplace, where I have studied and where I have spent my weekends and holidays)
          • tourist guide (welcome, basic information about their stay)
          • places of interest for tourists (castles, chateaux, spas, caves) and towns
          • places suitable for relaxation and for entertainment
          • my dream place

          21. CLOTHING, FASHION

          • the influence of weather and climate on what people wear
          • clothes and accessories for various occasions
          • how people decide what to wear (fashion, age, mood/atmosphere, possibilities) care of clothes
          • fashion trends – clothes, designers, fashion shows
          • fine feathers make fine birds/clothes make the man, made-to-measure/tailor-made clothing/tailored clothing or mass-producing clothing (in the clothes shop, at the tailor’s/dressmaker’s

          22. BOOKS – OUR FRIENDS

          • books – variety/ how people choose where and when they read
          • favourite author, genres
          • a book I have read by an author from an English-speaking country
          • Nobel prize winners for literature and their work
          • crisis in reading fiction (reasons, do people buy books, services of libraries and institutes)


          • positive and negative traits of a person, the ideal person, criteria of values
          • the person I respect
          • real-life and literary heroes
          • heroes are not born, they may become one (person’s reaction in a critical situation)
          • me as a hero


          • the countries and their inhabitants
          • the place I would like to visit
          • uniqueness, customs, traditions and conventions
          • stereotypes and prejudices
          • united Europe

          25. SLOVAKIA – MY HOMELAND

          • the country and its inhabitants
          • places I would recommend to a foreigner
          • customs and traditions
          • sterotypes and prejudices
          • the place of Slovakia in united Europe